The search results for parts are only a partial listing of parts which Phoenix Induction stocks and repairs. As time goes by Phoenix Induction will list all of the parts which we stock and repair. Please call our hotline 248-486-8760 for accurate pricing and stocking information.

*Phoenix induction is not an authorized distributor or representative of the products listed on this website. This website is not sanctioned or approved by any of the listed manufacturers (OEMs) or trademarks listed. The use of OEM names, trademarks, brands, and logos is for identification purposes only and is not intended to depict Phoenix Induction as having any connection with or authorization by any rights holder.

*Are registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Picture OEM Part Number Phoenix Part # Possible Alternative Part # OEM Description Stock Buy Brand New Buy Surplus Get Repair
0049-0519 PC-0049-0519 *Inductoheat Formerly known as Lepel Induction Isolation Transformer, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1 In Stock $4,853.00
0049-0581 PC-0049-0581 *Inductoheat Formerly known as Lepel Induction Current Transformer, Epoxied In Stock $175.00
0051-0008 PC-0051-0008 *Inductoheat Formerly known as Lepel Induction Varistor, 00510517
008320 PC-008320 *Ajax Tocco Magnethermic formerly known as Tocco Workhead Transformer, Tocco, Single Turn Secondary, 5:1 to 17:1 In Stock $6,945.00 Call For Quote
014243 PC-014243 *Ajax Tocco Magnethermic formerly known as Tocco Inductor, Tocco Code #014243
01500322H PC-01500322H *Littelfuse Fuse Holder, 500 Volt, 15 Amp, Wire Leaaded, ROHS Compliant In Stock $14.37
01710502-2000 WCE0028 *Gecko Alliance Pump Division Aqua-Flow, Spa Pump w/ motor, 12 Amps, 1 HP, 110 V, 1.5" PVC Connection, pricing includes and ships with two pump union part number: 52271000 In Stock $541.71
018398 PC-018398 *Ajax Tocco Magnethermic formerly known as Tocco Resistor In Stock $38.71
021606.3MXP PC-021606.3MXP *Littelfuse Fuse, 6.3 Amp, 250 Volt, Ceramic In Stock $2.12
023335 PC-023335 *Simpson Meter, Analog, 0-15 Anode Amperes, Model 1329, 0-15 dc amps, 15DCA/00-15ANODEAMPS In Stock $105.00
025050 PC-025050 *Ajax Tocco Snubber Capacitor In Stock $40.54
025050 PC-025-050 *Ajax Tocco Magnethermic formerly known as Tocco Capacitor, Tocco Code #025050 In Stock $36.42
*Is a registered trademark of their respective company. Phoenix Induction is not an authorized distributor of this brand.